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A Bipolar Prayer


God of Grace

God of the cross

We are joyous one moment

Doomed the next

At peace now

In a hurricane of doubt in a moment

Comfort your children who suffer with bipolar disorder as only you know how. Let us know we are not a burden or an annoyance. Hold us tight when the panic strikes, save us from the thoughts that would lead to harm.

For in you we know that on the cross the bonds of the Trinity—much like our minds—were stretched to the limit but did not break. Give us courage to stay strong in the weak moments, and peace to rest when we can.

God who has power over all things, remind your child tonight that bipolar is not outside the realm and power of your love. That though this illness may seem permanent it will be outlasted and outfought by the Creator of time and space. May we feel your presence now—and when we’re left with the quiet storm of our own thoughts.

Be with us forever, however long that is.


The Rev. Robert W. Lee is a pastor and someone who lives with Bipolar II Disorder. Find him
@roblee4 or by emailing

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