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Don't Get Caught With Herod

In a world with few epiphanies to be found, it would seem imperative for us to be on the lookout for God among us. Yet in this time of darkness and dismay we have found ourselves cumbered by discord and disarray. In our country and across the globe we have seen pandemonium break out—but here in the United States of all places that shouldn’t have happened. We felt the bastion of our democracy would be protected, and the halls of power kept secure from insurrection. We were wrong. We were wrong in large part because we were willing to be caught with Herod when we should be in Bethlehem.

Today is not only the first anniversary of the failed insurrection on the steps of the sanctuary of our democracy, it is also Epiphany in the Christian tradition. One in which we mark the coming of the Magi with gifts and their wise choice to be found with Christ rather than with the kings of this world. In an all too familiar narrative we see that the child was precious, and the task of dealing with Herod was daunting. For us and our time, the same is true.

The Christ in our midst is the abundant hope we have in trying times. We dare not be caught in Herod’s palace, pandering to demagogues and their fortresses of power. We need to go to Bethlehem once more and find God there. Don’t let the Herods of this world, both past and present convince you that your place is with them. Don’t let the Herods convince you to come back his way rather than going home another route.

Here in the United States, we find ourselves with a choice, do we pander to power or do we ponder the possibilities God has for us in our ability to come together? Herod’s greed would prefer us in a mess than together and resolute. Herod would prefer that Israel suffer at the hands of an empire than knowing its full potential and the same is true for all of us here and now with Herod’s sword at our chest. We have a choice—and the choice for us is to return to Herod’s palace and comply or find another way home.

Let’s find another way home, and one that leads us there together. Let’s find another way home, and one that doesn’t deny the humanity of anybody. Let’s find another way home that lifts up the lowly and casts the mighty from their thrones. Let’s find another way home.

My daughter Athena knows we’re getting close to our house when she sees a bridge under construction. She used to be frustrated when I took another way home but now she looks for different signs that we are getting close to our house. It becomes an adventure going home another way, because ultimately we have found God and nothing else matters the same way it used to.

Let’s find another way home.

January 5

A Note on Rev. Lee's Upcoming Events

August 9

Wake Forest Baptist Church