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The Holy Grail—Well, Mug


It arrived today. Almost three years since September 11th 2017 when my life was thrust further into the public square, I finally received my covered trophy and participation prize: my commemorative mug for guests of ABC’s the View. To me it’s on par with the MTV Moonman. Almost three years since my appearance on that hallowed television show… and I wonder what’s changed.

It could be said that everything has changed for the worse. We are further down the rabbit hole of a Trump presidency. Despite the horror of Charlottesville and the disastrous response, I don’t think many of us thought it could be worse—yet it did get worse. The latest iteration of this is the highest levels of government’s apathy at a pandemic. It’s horrifying, and yet it’s become all too familiar.

As I stared at this mug—this consolation prize for appearing on the show I recognize something that some people would never let me live down: I forgot my original mug from The View when I left New York that day in September of 2017. I was too rushed and overwhelmed to take stock of the fact I needed to hold onto this cherished piece of my personal and our national history.

What’s the lesson in this? Pay attention. The devil is in the details but God is there too. Don’t be the person who leaves the mug behind because you’re overwhelmed, tired, and drained. Be ready and keep the faith. Hold fast to the things that matter most—for its those realities that will help us see our way through tomorrow and the next day.

While I’m terrified at this pandemic, while I don’t have all the answers, I refuse to look away. I challenge you to hold tight to your holy grail—be it a mug or a chalice—and find God there. This is our hope. This isn’t the end of our collective story.

Oh… and I’m not letting this mug out of my sight.

I could almost go back to church hearing you talk.
— Whoopi Goldberg
March 11

Notes on the Pandemic

March 31

"No Small Thing" A Sermon on the Occasion of the Ordination of Robert W. Lee IV