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Robert E. Lee and JK Rowling Walk Into a Bar

Robert E Lee and JK Rowling walk into a bar... you guessed it, it's problematic. Here's why:

At first glance Lee and Rowling may seem dissimilar but the veneration of their work isn't. In fact, in both instances the hero worship and consumption of their product is deadly. Lee a failed Confederate military statesman maintained his racist and white supremacist views after the war. However after his death the Lost Cause created a mythos of Lee as a charitable Christian who only fought for his home state, not the peculiar institution of slavery.

This mentality of Lee permeated our culture to the point that Presidents from Roosevelt to Ford hailing him as the epitome of the southern Christian gentleman. (Ford posthumously restored citizenship for Lee to the US during his term in the mid 20th century)

We have consumed that narrative, we have allowed that to become drinking water around the lore of Robert E. Lee. It's pernicious, and costly because it ignores the danger of chattel slavery, racism, and white supremacy. Dylan Roof, the shooter at Mother Emmanuel idolized Lee.

Lee died a white supremacist and his legacy should reflect that. What does this have to do with Rowling? It is heartbreaking every time I hear her anti-Trans rhetoric and actions. It is gut-wrenching. That is where I start from before I offer any advice on how to handle it.

That in mind I think of the countless individuals in my life I've come in contact with who are transgender whose lives are put at risk because of her rhetoric and action. There is a direct correlation between this rhetoric and violence against the transgender community. As much as I would love to say there is middle ground for Harry Potter, JK Rowling, a known transphobic author benefits directly from the books, movies, and other licensing of product. She products from our patronage and is enabled by our complicity. I love Harry Potter. it gave me a guide, and a way to think about the world. Even though it came from Rowling it causes me to think beyond her bigoted views. We must abandon our support of her for the sake of our children. We must be brave and therefore trustworthy.

Though Robert E. Lee and JK Rowling may be venerated by those who adore violence and hate that doesn't mean we have to join them in complicity and complacency. We are better, so much better than the pain that their realities offer us. We must do better.

The Rev. Robert W. Lee is a descendant of the Lees of Virginia and a pastor living in North Carolina.

July 11

Adopted: Amazing Grace | A Sermon by the Rev. Rob Lee

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